AnN-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU)-induced mutation in theHbb-b1 gene of the mouse hemoglobin-beta complex (Hbb) has been shown to result in a high-oxygen affinity hemoglobin, homologous with hemoglobin Rainier in man (Peters, J.,et al., Genetics 110:709, 1985). Substitution of β145 tyrosine by cysteine had occurred in both human and mouse forms, probably as the result of a point mutation. Provided that sufficient sequence information is available, point mutations can be directly and rapidly analyzed by allele-specific amplification (ASA), as this technique is sensitive enough to detect single nucleotide differences. We report the use of ASA to detect and characterize the mutation in the murine β-globin gene,Hbb-b1 d-m1, and find that the codon for β145 tyrosine (TAC) has been replaced by the codon for cysteine (TGC). Therefore, ENU induced an A:T → G:C transition.