Standardization of single-breath transfer factor (TLCO); derivation of breathholding time

Breathholding time is usually defined using the procedure of Ogilvie et al. or of Jones and Meade; these procedures depend on knowing when inspiration begins and, for the latter, when it ends. Some alternative procedures do not require this information. With a view to standardizing the measurement, transfer factor of the lungs for carbon monoxide (TLCO) was measured in 18 adults with labile airflow obstruction, who were assessed before and after inhalation of salbutamol. The inflection points defining the start and end of inspiration were defined visually (method 1), and by extrapolation of the linear part of the inspiratory limb of the single-breath trace (method 2). The spirograms met recognized standards of quality and were rated by experienced observers. Compared with method 1 the TLCO and related indices by method 2 were lower using the procedure of Jones and Meade and higher using the procedure of Ogilvie et al. in each case by, on average, 1.0%. The within- and between-day variabilities were independent of the method used. Thus, the extrapolation and visual methods yielded interchangeable results when applied by experienced operators. However, extrapolation may be easier for inexperienced operators.

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