DNA adenine methylation of GATC sequences appeared recently in the Escherichia coli lineage

The presence of methylated adenine at GATC sequences (Dam phenotype) were examined in the DNA of 23 eubacteria and 13 archaebacteria by using isoshizomer restriction enzymes. A completely Dam+ phenotype was found in bacteria of 9 genera related to the families Enterobacteriaceae, Parvbacteriaceae and Vibrionaceae, and in the 5 cyanobacteria tested. A partial Dam+ phenotype was found in the 2 archaebacteria Halobacterium saccharovorum and Methanobacterium sp. strain Ivanov. All of the other archaebacteria (3 genera) and eubacteria (9 genera) tested were Dam-. Phylogenetic analysis, based on the evolutionary tree of Fox et al., indicates that dam methylation in the Escherichia coli lineage appeared recently in bacterial evolution and is restricted to a small range of closely related bacteria.