Value of Radiation Therapy in Addition to Surgery for Cancer of the Head and Neck

This historically controlled study evaluates radiation therapy in 119 patients—with squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck—who underwent surgery alone (SA) or surgery plus radiation (S + R). The primary tumor control and nodal control, in patients with negative surgical margins who had surgery alone (SA), were 63% in the oral cavity, 60% in the oropharynx, and 67% in the hypopharynx. The same rates for S + R group and negative surgical margins were 100%, 73%, and 100%. Combining the patients with negative and positive surgical margins, control of the tumor and noddl control were the same in the oral cavity for both treatment groups (41% for SA and 44% for S + R) and increased with the addition of radiation in the oropharynx (30% for SA to 65% for S + R) and hypopharynx (33% for SA to 86% for S + R), in spite of higher percentages of T3 and T4 tumor and positive lymph nodes in the S + R group. The lower control rote in patients who had surgery alone could be due (in part) to inadequate surgery at the primary site (42% local excision) and lack of neck dissection (35% for SA vs. 77% for S + R). Postoperative radiation therapy to the primary site and neck is shown to effectively reduce local recurrence in patients with oral cavity and oropharynx cancer, regardless of surgical margins.