Phosphorus deficiencies and imbalances are among the factors that have been reported to result in poor cold acclimation of plants. Many soils in the Great Plains are deficient in P. Therefore this study was initiated to determine the effect of P on fall growth and cold acclimation of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and rye (Secale cereale L.) under field conditions.Trials were located (52°N, 104°W) on phosphate deficient udic haploboroll soils in the northeastern corner of the agricultural area of Saskatchewan, Canada. Added P increased the P content of the crown, leaf and root tissue of wheat and rye plants. In all cases P content was higher in the crowns and leaves than in the roots. Added P increased the crown and root fresh weight and dry weight for both wheat and rye. Root growth in particular was stimulated by added P. Shoot dry weight and leaf fresh and dry weight of rye were also increased by added P. Similar trends were evident for wheat; however, differences were not significant. In spite of this obvious effect on plant growth, soil P deficiency had little effect on the ability of winter wheat and rye to cold acclimate as reflected by measurements of crown cold tolerance.