Psychopathologische Bilder bei der HIV-Infektion: AIDS-Lethargie und AIDS-Demenz

The paper describes the psychiatric status on the basis of 76 patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome. There is considerable difference between the different stages of the disease. The disorders are divided into groups following the German and French psychopathological tradition, where the incidence is dependent on the underlying complaint. 50% of the patients suffered from chronic psychoorganic disorders (34% organic personality disorders, 16% dementia). 9% suffered from an acute psychosis caused by complications and founded on substantial physical illness. 3 patients showed symptoms of a (under given circumstances) hitherto unknown endoform psychosis. In 9% of the patients, psychoreactive disturbances (anxiety and reactive depression) were observed. Two infants had congenital development deficiencies. 25% of the patients were without any psychopathology. Patients showing organic personality disorders mostly resemble each other to such a degree as to form a separate group. We suggest to name this group according to the most prominent psychopathology as "AIDS-lethergy". This status is characterised by a specific apathy, tiredness and indolence of the patients combined with the lack of emotional participation related to their own destiny. AIDS-lethargy is the first manifestation in appearance of the HIV infection of the brain itself. Another sequel of the brain infection is AIDS dementia which can be classified as "subcortical dementia" and differs from the more current forms of dementia clinically. Affected are mainly neuropsychologic functions like arousal, attention, mood and motivation, whereas the hallmarks of cortical involvement -aphasia, agnosia and apraxia-are not present. Supplementary findings (EEG, CCT, CSF): The group of patients with chronic psychoorganic disorders differs significantly from the group with psychoreactive disorders and normals. Pathological EEG and CCT are more frequent in psychoorganic disorders. CSF-test- including the intrathecally synthesized antibodies against HIV- does not show traceable variation in either group. There are four problems which may be combined in a given acute psychopathological HIV-syndrome: 1. Being member of a risk group with its reactive, psychosocial and personality problems. 2. Individual mental and emotional reaction to the fact of infection. 3. Chronic psychoorganic disturbances. 4. Acute organic psychoses as a result of complications and other physical illness.

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