Ninety-five per cent of the total biomass in the open water of Lake George, a shallow equatorial lake, is phytoplankton. The biomass of this and the other major groups of organisms are given and compared with some figures from other lakes. Apart from the phytoplankton, standing crop levels in Lake George are not high and may be exceeded, although only for short periods, by organisms in temperate waters. Levels in Lake George, in contrast, fluctuate little throughout the year. The specific composition of the open water community is described and shown to be dominated by blue-green algae and three herbivores which utilize them as a food source: one cyclopoid copepod and two fish. The reasons why these and other species make up the open water community in Lake George are discussed and also possible factors which may limit some of the animal populations to the levels observed. Both the phytoplankton and the zooplankton exhibit a concentric pattern of distribution across the lake. Concentrations are highest in the centre and this may be attributable to the circular movements of the water mass which result from the shape of the basin and the wind régime. It might also be correlated with grazing effects since the fish population, which also shows a concentric distribution of biomass, has its highest concentrations in the inshore regions and its lowest in the centre. The distribution and species composition of the benthos is determined primarily by the nature of the substrate. In the open water area the bottom consists of soft, unstable, de-oxygenated mud which contains few species. Inshore the substrate is firmer and more varied and carries a greater density and variety of animals. These are preyed upon by a greater variety of fish, particularly species of the cichlid genus Haplochromis, than are found in the mid-lake area. The inshore region is short, due to the regular shape of the lake basin, and narrow, but provides a variety of habitats in contrast to the homogeneity of the mid-lake area. The lake is fringed in many places by papyrus swamp, the Nile cabbage floats on the surface of the water but there is no submerged aquatic vegetation.