An error appeared in an article published in the 15 June 2003 issue of the journal (Gandhi RT, Wurcel A, Lee H, McGovern B, Boczanowski M, Gerwin R, Corcoran CP, Szczepiorkowski Z, Toner S, Cohen DE, Sax PE, Ukomadu C. Isolated antibody to hepatitis B core antigen in human immunodeficiency virus type-1-infected individuals. Clin Infect Dis 2002; 36:1602–5). The first sentence in the third-to-last paragraph should have appeared as follows: “Finally, subjects with isolated anti-HBc who test negative for HBV DNA may either (1) have cleared HBV infection and lost detectable [not “undetectable”] anti-HBs or (2) have a false-positive test result for anti-HBc (e.g., due to cross-reacting antibodies present in individuals with HCV infection).” The journal regrets this error.