Argon L-shell ionization by 50- to 600-keV H+, D+, H2+, and He+ impact

Production of Auger electrons from the Ar L shell were studied in scattering experiments with 50- to 600-keV H+, D+, H2+, and He+ impact on Ar. Electrons ejected at 150° with respect to the incident beam were measured using electrostatic parallel-plate spectrometers. Sets of electron spectra were acquired at different resolutions of 0.35-, 1.4-, and (1.7-2.4)-eV full width of half-maximum. Branching ratios for normal transitions from initial L2 and L3 vacancy states are compared with results of other authors. Satellite structures in the spectra are analyzed to determine probabilities for the excitation of multiple-vacancy states L23Mi. Intensities of Auger electrons from the L1 and L23 shell are compared for an evaluation of the L1-shell Coster-Kronig yield. Total cross sections for Ar L-shell ionization are obtained by integration of the Auger spectra and cross-section ratios are studied for He+ and D+ impact.