Theoretical Pearl Yet yet a counterexample for λ+SP

In 1979, Klop (1980), answering a question raised by Mann in 1972, showed that the extension of λ-calculus with subjective pairing is not confluent. We refer to Klop (1980) and Barendregt (1981, revised 1984) for a perspective. The term presented by Klop to provide a counterexample is fairly simple, but the proof of non-confluence, although intuitively quite simple, involves some technical properties. Among others, a suitable standardization result on derivations in the extended system is needed in the proof. Klop's proof was revisited by Bunder (1985), who seemingly used less technical apparatus than Klop, starting with the same term as Klop. Although Bunder's proof does not explicitly use a standardization result, his proof proceeds internally with some rearrangements of derivations, so that it is fair to say that some standardization technique is present in Bunder (1985).

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