The Collimation‐corrected Gamma‐Ray Burst Energies Correlate with the Peak Energy of Their νFνSpectrum

We consider all bursts with known redshift and νFν peak energy, E. For a good fraction of them an estimate of the jet opening angle is available from the achromatic break of their afterglow light curve. This allows the derivation of the collimation-corrected energy of the bursts, Eγ. The distribution of the values of Eγ is more spread out than in previous findings, covering about 2 orders of magnitude. We find a surprisingly tight correlation between Eγ and the source frame Epeak: E(1 + z) ∝ E. This correlation can shed light on the still uncertain radiation processes for the prompt GRB emission. More importantly, if the small scatter of this newly found correlation could be confirmed by forthcoming data, it would be possible to use it for cosmological purposes.