Resistance Of Materials To Attack By Liquid Metals

Existing information on the resistance of materials to attack by liquid metals is, for the most part, very meager; and much of the information that does exist is buried in progress reports and in personal files. Therefore, designers of engineering systems using liquid metal coolants often have little concrete evidence on which to base their selection of materials. The Committee on the Basic Properties of Liquid Metals has recognized the need for assembling this information as well as information on the properties, techniques in handling, and uses of liquid metals. With the intention of publishing this material in a Liquid Metals Handbook, the Committee requested various member organizations to prepare specific chapters for the Handbook, As their contribution, the Metallurgy Division of Argonne National Laboratory was asked to assemble all available unclassified and declassifiable data on the resistance of materials to attack by liquid metals. The resulting collation of data is contained in this report.

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