PYY inhibits CCK-stimulated pancreatic secretion through the area postrema in unanesthetized rats

Peptide YY (PYY) inhibits CCK-8-secretin-stimulated pancreatic secretion in vivo. To investigate whether CCK-8-secretin-stimulated pancreatic secretion is mediated through a vago-vagal pathway and whether PYY inhibits this pathway through the area postrema (AP), chronic pancreatic, biliary, and duodenal catheters were implanted in AP-lesioned (APX) or sham-operated rats. The effects of APX on pancreatic secretion stimulated by bethanechol, pancreatic juice diversion (PJD), or CCK-8-secretin, were tested, with and without background PYY infusion, in unanesthetized rats. APX reduced basal pancreatic secretion by 15–20% ( P < 0.01). APX had no effect on bethanechol-stimulated secretion and potentiated protein secretion stimulated by PJD (396 vs. 284%) and exogenous CCK-8-secretin. In sham-operated rats, background PYY potently inhibited CCK-8-secretin-stimulated pancreatic fluid (1.8 vs. 48.2%) and protein secretion (3.7 vs. 45.8%) but potentiated fluid (52.9 vs. 43.1%) and protein (132.9 vs. 68.9%) secretion in APX rats. Our findings demonstrate that PYY inhibits CCK-8-secretin-stimulated pancreatic secretion through an AP-dependent mechanism in sham-operated rats. The AP also contributes to basal pancreatic secretion.