THE CONCEPT of contact ulcers of the larynx was first advanced by Chevalier Jackson1 in 1928, but since then the literature on this lesion has been rather scanty. As early as 1926, however (and also in 1937) Blegvad2 called attention to laryngeal tuberculosis that manifests itself in swelling and redness of the mucous membrane of the vocal processes. In some cases he found ulcerations here. In addition, two case reports on nontuberculous contact ulcerations were published by Videbech3 and Hagerup.4 In 1942 Blegvad5 discussed the possibility of tuberculosis as the cause of contact ulcers. He arrived at the conclusion that when one is faced by these ulcerations one should always think of the possibility that pulmonary tuberculosis is present, in contrast to what had been assumed previously. At the same time, Blegvad advanced the hypothesis that some of these ulcerations might be instances of pachyderma

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