Doubly labeled water ( ) has been used to determine water flux and energy metabolism in a variety of vertebrates and invertebrates. This study further examines the applicability of this technique to arthropods. Validation of the use of tritiated water for measuring water flux was accomplished by comparing gravimetric measurements of water gain with flux rates determined by loss of tritiated water. A mean overestimate of 12 mg H₂O (g·day)⁻¹ for influx calculated from labeled water calculations was found at . Comparison of CO₂ loss rate determined isotopically with rates of CO₂ loss determined by standard metabolic rates also yielded overestimates for the isotopic technique which ranged between 20% and 30%. Studies using labeled water in free-ranging arthropods should be accompanied by validation of the technique prior to field application in order to determine the magnitude of the overestimates for both water fluxes and metabolism.

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