Cloud-Chamber Equipment for Study of Infrequent Cosmic-Ray Processes

The cloud chamber described operates if a particle passes through a vertical telescope and stops before reaching anticoincidence counters under the chamber. The chamber is surrounded by a minimum amount of material, and a large number of the anticoincidence events consist of particles stopping in foils of aluminum, iron, and lead within the chamber. The expansion valve is of the fast electromagnetic type having a thin iron diaphragm which completes a magnetic circuit when closed. Six slow expansions for clearing the chamber occur immediately after each event. The chamber is housed in an insulated room kept within ±0.1°C. The Geiger counter coincidence circuits operate time delays for controlling the expansions, flash lamps, camera, clearing field, and recorders. The electronics is suitable for the study of very infrequent events. Several pictures of meson decay and shower events are presented.

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