Thermoregulation in rabbits during fever.

The effect of fever on the efficacy of the thermoregulatory control system was studied in conscious rabbits. The control system was challenged by a series of systemic thermal loads produced by the i.v. infusion of hot or cold isotonic solutions. The time integral of the consequent upward or downward displacement of brain temperature was used as an index of the response of the control system. Steady-state fever was induced by i.v. infusion of plasma containing leukocyte pyrogen. With cold loads there was a linear relation between load and response. The regression coefficients were not significantly changed by fever in any of the 6 rabbits. With hot loads given to afebrile rabbits the regression of response on load was generally not statistically significant, but the responses were not demonstrably greater in the febrile state. It was not possible to demonstrate impairment in the capacity of the febrile animal to compensate for systemic thermal loads.