Vibrational Deactivation of HF(v=1) in Pure HF and in HF-Additive Mixtures

The laser‐excited vibrational fluorescence method has been used to obtain room temperature (294±2°K) vibrational relaxation rates for pure HF and in HF‐additive mixtures. Measurement of the quenching of HF(v=1) fluorescence in HF–HF and HF‐additive collisions has yielded the following total deactivation rates: HFAr<60 sec−1· torr−1, HFN2=(1.25 ± 0.6) × 102sec−1· torr−1, HFD2=(3.7± 0.4)× 103sec−1· torr−1, HFH2=(2.4 ± 0.3) × 104sec−1· torr−1, HFCO2=(5.9± 0.2)× 104sec−1· torr−1 , and HFH2OHFD2O=(4.1± 0.5)× 106sec−1· torr−1 . The self‐relaxation rate for HF was found to be HFHF=(8.74± 0.1)× 104sec−1torr−1 in dilute Ar mixtures and also with other additives. A slower rate (4.4± 0.3)× 104sec−1· torr−1 has been measured in pure HF and is believed to indicate nonequilibrium of the rotational degrees of freedom during self‐relaxation of HF. Observation of 4.3 μ fluorescence from CO2(00°1) and double exponential fluorescent decay from HF–H2 mixtures has led to the following rates for CO2(00°1) and H2(v=1) deactivation: CO2HF=(5.3± 0.2)× 104sec−1torr−1 , and H2HF=(6.3± 0.4)× 104sec−1torr−1. The room temperature data are much faster than predicted from an extrapolation of the available high‐temperature shock tube results. The equal, near gas kinetic rates found for HF relaxation by H2O and D2O suggest that strong chemical bonding forces may be responsible for the HF‐water relaxation.