A modified method for the preparation of cortico-adrenal extract for use in routine studies is described. By its use adrenalectomized dogs may be maintained alive indefinitely in apparently normal health. By means of fractionation procedures more refined extracts showing much greater physiological activity were obtained. Such relatively pure extracts contained up to twice the number of dog units per kg. of fresh gland tissue and only 1/2 the amt. of solid material present in the routine extracts. The purified extracts were moreover readily and completely soluble in water and thus filtration was avoided. An acid Na salt of palmitic acid C15H31COOH: C15H31COONa, was isolated from extracts derived from the adrenal cortex. Its considerable importance as an activator of [male] sex hormones is discussed. A fractionation procedure for cortico-adrenal extracts utilizing the chromatographic adsorption technique is described. The composition and melting point of a new, yet amorphous C compound (M. P. 92-94[degree] C) is descr. It was ineffective on adrenalectomized animals and on ovariectomized rats when given in appropriate doses.