Role of Serotonin and Serotonin-Selective Pharmacotherapy in Alcohol Dependence

The majority of studies that have examined the usefulness of pharmacotherapies selective for serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT) as a treatment for alcohol dependence have been standard, double-blind clinical trials that include patients with a variety of clinical presentations. Almost all of the early studies evaluated heavy social drinkers and found only a modest advantage for 5-HT pharmacotherapies in reducing the number of drinks per day. Also, the advantage of these pharmacotherapies was observed primarily when these agents were given at higher daily dosages than suggested prescribing practices for use as an antidepressant. The few studies that evaluated treatment-seeking patients found that 5-HT pharmacotherapies were not instrumental in reducing drinking rates compared with placebo. These results led to a dampening of enthusiasm for use of these agents in treating alcohol dependence. However, more recent investigations have begun to target subgroups with potential abnormalities in 5-HT neurotransmission. The thinking is that these medications should be most useful in alcohol-dependent individuals who have more clearly delineated suggestive signs of 5-HT dysfunction, such as concomitant depression or anxiety. Although few results are available to date, there is growing evidence to suggest that alcohol-dependent subgroups are differentially responsive to 5-HT pharmacotherapies with respect to drinking-related outcomes. This may explain the modest and variable 5-HT pharmacotherapeutic effects that were reported in the earlier studies, which included large heterogeneous patient groups. Further investigations are needed to confirm these initial optimistic results.