Treatment of acute myocardial infarction with propranolol. Further studies on enzyme appearance and subsequent left ventricular function in treated and control patients with developing infarcts.

The effect of propranolol 0.1 mg/kg i.v. followed by 320 mg in divided doses given over 27 h orally was further evaluated in a randomized trial involving 62 patients up to 65 yr old who were seen within 4 h of onset of uncomplicated myocardial infarction. Patients (33) were given propranolol and 29 served as controls. Two indices of infarct size were used: total creatine kinase appearance and peak activity levels measured during the acute stage of infarction; and subjective analysis of biplane left ventriculograms performed 1 mo. later in a subgroup of these patients. Total enzyme appearance was reduced by 25% and peak levels were reduced by 23% in treated patients compared with controls. The subgroup subsequently studied by angiocardiography did not show the reduction in enzyme levels shown by the whole group; quantitative subjective analysis of the left ventriculograms did not show any significant difference between the 2 groups. This radiological method did not confirm that reduction in enzyme appearance by .beta.-adrenoceptor blockade was associated with restriction in infarct size but this seems the most likely cause for the lower enzyme levels. The safety of i.v. .beta.-blockade when used in carefully selected patients suggests that large-scale clinical trials can be recommended in which measurements of infarct size, morbidity and mortality can be used as end-points.