Spermatozoan distribution in the female genital tract following matings with sterile tw18/tw32 male mice was studied both by examining the flushings and by examining histological sections of the genital tracts. Spermatozoan counts were made on flushings from various parts of the genital tract after matings from 9 hr before ovulation to 10 hr after ovulation. Usually, the lower tracts (uterus and upper half of vagina) of females mated with sterile males contained normal numbers of spermatozoa, as did the lower tracts of females mated to fertile littermates or to other fertile males having only one of these two t-alleles. However, matings with sterile males resulted in few or no spermatozoa reaching the site of fertilization in the oviducts, whereas matings with control males resulted in numerous spermatozoa at the fertilization site.