The lectin-gold technique was used to detect Helix pomatia and Dolichos biflorus lectin binding sites directly on semithin and thin sections of rat kidney collecting ducts. Intercalated cell apical plasma membranes and the membranes of apical cytoplasmic vesicles were heavily labeled in the cortex and outer stripe of the outer medulla but were negative or very weakly labeled in the inner stripe and inner medulla. In contrast, clear cell apical membranes were labeled along the entire length of the collecting duct. Double labeling of semithin cryostat sections with a specific antibody and lectin-gold complexes was used to demonstrate that the intercalated cells in all regions studied contained carbonic anhydrase, even though the lectin binding differed. These results indicate that, in terms of their glycocalyx composition, intercalated cells represent a heterogeneous population in different regions of the collecting duct.