Spins of Levels in 32P by Angular-Correlation Studies

The spectroscopic properties of the 1.75, 2.66, 2.74, and 3.00 MeV levels of 32P have been studied by the particle–gamma angular-correlation method II of Litherland and Ferguson applied to the reaction 29Si(α,p)32P at 10.3 MeV. The decay scheme was observed with a Ge–Li detector in coincidence with the protons. The spin of the 1.75 MeV level was determined to be 3. The restrictions imposed on J by the analysis of the angular correlations combined with other information lead to the following most probable assignments: 2.66 MeV, J = 1,2; 2.74 MeV, J = 1,2; 3.00 MeV, J = 1,2,3.

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