Experimental study of dipolar vortices on a topographic βT-plane

The behaviour of dipolar vortices in a rotating fluid with a sloping bottom (simulating the variation of the Coriolis parameter on the Earth, with the direction of steepest bottom slope corresponding with the northern direction) has been investigated in the laboratory. Dipoles were generated by moving a vertical cylinder through the fluid. Dye photographs provided qualitative information, whereas quantitative information about the evolving flow field was obtained by streak photography. Dipoles initially directed under a certain angle relative to the west–east axis showed meandering or cycloid-like trajectories. Soeme symmetries between east-travelling dipoles (ETD's) and west-travelling dipoles (WTD's) were observed. ETD's are stable in the trajectory sense: a small deviation from zonal motion results in small oscillations around the equilibrium latitude. WTD's are unstable: small initial deviations produce large displacements in northern or southern directions. This asymmetry arises because the vorticity of a dipole moving westward is anticorrelated with the ambient vorticity, while the vorticities are correlated when the dipole moves eastward. ETD's increase in size and eventually split into two independent monopoles, the rate of growth depending on the gradient of planetary vorticity. WTD's are initially more compact but owing to the large displacements in the meridional direction strong asymmetries in the circulation of the two halves are produced, resulting in a large deformation of the weaker part. The experimental observations show good qualitative agreement with analytical and numerical results obtained using a modulated point-vortex model.