Measurements of analyzing power forH2(n→, n)H2scattering at 14.1 MeV and comparisons toH2(p→, p)H2

Data for the analyzing power Ay(θ) for the elastic scattering of neutrons from deuterons have been measured at 14.1 MeV for the range from 30° to 153° (c.m.) to accuracies between ±0.003 and ±0.006. The results are compared to previous nd data at 14 MeV and are in significant disagreement with the most recent measurement. The present data are in excellent agreement with a Faddeev calculation by Doleschall. The data are also very similar to pd scattering data at 14.1 MeV, although systematic deviations are observed at forward angles and near the maximum of Ay(θ) at 130°. Recent calculations indicate that Coulomb effects can explain most of these differences, although some features will require further investigation.