Orthotopic Nonauxiliary Total Bowel Transplantation Using Rats: Technical Procedure

A procedure for nonauxiliary orthotopic total bowel transplantation is described, in which the graft from jejunum to distal colon is transplanted with portal venous drainage in end-to-end fashion in a one-stage procedure. The early postoperative mortality (within 4 days) was 23.8% in this study and presently is approximately 20% in our laboratory. It is noteworthy that the incidence of venous thrombosis is very low in this model. Continuous venous infusion, vascular perfusion, and luminal irrigation with Euro-Collins solution were employed in this preparation. The technique described is expected to prove useful for orthotopic nonauxiliary bowel transplant investigation because of its technical simplicity, low early postoperative mortality, and low incidence of vascular complications