Kibdelins (AAD-609), novel glycopeptide antibiotics. II Isolation, purification and structure.

A new glycopeptide antibiotic complex was isolated from the fermentation culture of Kibdelosporangium aridum subsp. largum (SK and F AAD-609) by affinity chromatography on a D-alanyl-D-alanine agarose column. The major components of the complex were resolved by preparative reversed-phase HPLC. Mild acid hydrolysis showed that the new antibiotics have the same mannosyl aglycon (2) as the aridicins. FAB mass spectrometry, isoelectric focusing, potentiometric titration and carbohydrate and fatty acid analyses were used to determine the structures of the five major components of the complex. These studies showed that the kibdelins differ from the aridicins only in the oxidation level at the C-6 position of the amino sugar. Kibdelin A (5), B (6), C1 (7), C2 (8) and D (9) are a series of N-acylglucosamine analogs containing saturated straight and branched chain C10 .apprx. C12 fatty acids whereas, in kibdelin D the fatty acid component is (Z)-decenoic acid.