Cloning and complete nucleotide sequence of a full-length cDNA encoding a catalytically functional tumor-associated aldehyde dehydrogenase.

To study the mechanism(s) controlling expression of the tumor-associated aldehyde dehydrogenase (tumor ALDH), which appears during rat hepatocarcinogenesis, cDNAs encoding this isozyme were cloned and identified with an antibody probe. Poly(A)-containing RNA from HTC rat hepatoma cells, which have been shown to possess high levels of tumor ALDH, was used as template to synthesize double-stranded cDNA. The cDNA was methylated to protect internal sites. Two different synthetic DNA linkers were added sequentially to the cDNA to insure correct orientation for expression from the lac promoter of pUC8. A library of 100,000 independent members carrying inserts > 1 kilobase was obtained. From this library, two apparently identical tumor ALDH clones, differing only in size, were identified with an indirect immunological probe. The large of the cDNA clones identified, pTALDH, was chosen for further study. Interestingly, since tumor ALDH is a dimer enzyme, pTALDH direct synthesis of functional tumor ALDH in the bacterial cell. The cDNA sequnce has been confirmed by comparison to the amino acid sequence of tumor ALDH purified from HTC cells.