Long-term antibody persistence after booster vaccination with combined tetravalent diphtheria, tetanus, whole-cellBordetella pertussisand hepatitis B vaccine in healthy infants

Combining HB vaccine with routine paediatric vaccines has been recognized as the best means of universal vaccination against hepatitis B. Our objective was to evaluate the long-term antibody persistence of such a combined vaccine in an area of high hepatitis B endemicity. We have shown that a DTPw-HB vaccine was safe and immunogenic when given as a booster dose at 18 months of age. One month after the booster dose of DTPw-HB vaccine, at least 97.8% of subjects had seroprotective anti-HBsAg levels, and 1 year later at least 93.9% of these subjects remained seroprotected against HBsAg. Immune responses to the DTPw components were similar or greater than those of the commercial DTPw vaccine given to the control group. This DTPw-HB vaccine, which showed good long-term anti-HBsAg antibody persistence, could advantageously replace separate DTPw and HB vaccines in areas of high hepatitis B endemicity in terms of clinical, economic and strategic benefits.