Pelvic Osteomyelitis in Children

Six children (7 to 16 years of age) with pelvic osteomyelitis are described. Sites of involvement included the pubis in three patients, the ilium in two patients, and the ischium in one patient. All were right-sided. Each patient presented with a history of fever and an abnormal gait. In four, the point tenderness indicated the site of bony involvement. All patients had pain on abduction but free passive range of motion of the hip. Soft tissue swelling was present on admission pelvic roentgenograms in five patients. Intravenous pyelogram revealed deviation of the bladder toward the midline in each of four patients studied. Roentgenographic changes typical of osteomyelitis developed in four patients ten days to ten weeks after onset of symptoms. In four patients in whom an organism was identified, Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from blood and/or bone. All isolates were methicillin-sensitive and two were penicillin-sensitive. Purulent material was drained from three of the five patients who underwent surgical exploration of the pelvis. All patients received parenteral antistaphylococcal therapy for 3 to 5½ weeks (mean, 4 weeks). Oral antibiotics were given to five patients for an additional 3 to 14 weeks. All patients recovered completely.