Differences in osseointegration rate due to implant surface geometry can be explained by local tissue strains

Experimental evidence indicates that the surface geometry of bone-interfacing implants influences the nature and rate of tissues formed around implants. In a previously reported animal model study, we showed that non-functional, press-fitted porous-surfaced implants placed in rabbit femoral condyle sites osseointegrated more rapidly than plasma-sprayed implants. We hypothesized that the accelerated osseointegration observed with the porous-surfaced design was the result of this design providing a local mechanical environment that was more favourable for bone formation. In the present study, we tested this hypothesis using finite element analysis and homogenization methods to predict the local strains in the pre-mineralized tissues formed around porous-surfaced and plasma-sprayed implants. We found that, for loading perpendicular to the implant interface, the porous surface structure provided a large region that experienced low distortional and volumetric strains, whereas the plasma-sprayed implant provided little local strain protection to the healing tissue. The strain protected region, which was within the pores of the sintered porous surface layer, corresponded to the region where the difference in the amount of mineralization between the two implant designs was the greatest. Low distortional and volumetric strains are believed to favour osteogenesis, and therefore the model results provide initial support for the hypothesis that the porous-surfaced geometry provides a local mechanical environment that favours more rapid bone formation in certain situations. © 2001 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.