Subcellular Distribution of α-Tocopherol in Spinach & Lilac Leaf Tissue

The subcellular distribution of [alpha]-tocopherol in spinach (Spinacia oleracea) and lilac (Syringa vulgaris) leaf tissue has been investigated using an improved tocopherol assay. Subcellular fractions isolated by differential centrifugation were defined by their content of chlorophyll, plastoquinone, coenzyme Q and succinoxidase. The results indicate that [alpha]-tocopherol is contained in chloroplasts. There also appears to be a small amount of [alpha]-tocopherol in the mitochondrial fraction as well as some in smaller particulates or the soluble fraction. Two other tocopherols ([beta] or [gamma] and [delta]) were found at about 1/10 the level of [alpha]-tocopherol. Chloroplasts also contain [alpha], [beta] and [gamma] tocopherylquinones in amounts about 1/10 of the corresponding chromanol.