1.3 and 1.5 μm VIPS lasers were tested under high-power aging levels up to 130 mW. The output powers of the lasers were enhanced by AR/HR-coating of facets and optimisation of cavity lengths. Aging power levels were 75% of ?Pmaxand were up to 130mW at 25°C and up to 90 mW at 70°C for 1.3μm VIPS lasers. The median lifetimes were estimated to be 150,000 h at 25°C and 60,000 h at 70°C. For the 1.5μm VIPS lasers, the aging power levels were up to 90 mW at 25°C and up to 50 mW at 70°C. Median lifetimes of about 60,000 h and 45,000 h for 25 and 70°C aging tests, respectively, were achieved.

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