Present status of the pion-nucleonσterm

The long-standing discrepancy between the predicted value of the πN σ term in the framework of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and the value extracted from extrapolated on-mass-shell πN scattering data is critically reexamined. Assuming the validity of the Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka (OZI) rule at t=0 and using quark mass ratios extracted from the pseudoscalar-meson mass spectrum one obtains the canonical result σπN23±5 MeV. It is argued that the possibility of readjusting the quark mass ratios to give a σ term of 60-70 MeV so as to agree with some values extracted from πN data is most likely ruled out. In particular this would imply a huge violation of the nonrenormalization theorem in K13 decay. Since the OZI rule is unreliable at t=0, we have recalculated the matrix element p|s¯s|pp|(12)(u¯u+d¯d)|p using the Goldstone-boson-pair mechanism and have found a σ term of 36±8 MeV. Other evidence supporting a breakdown of the OZI rule at t=0 is also examined. Another theoretical uncertainty is the effect of higher-order terms in SU(3) breaking. Two recent calculations suggest that such terms could increase the σ term by another 10 MeV or more. Finally, the whole procedure of extracting a value of the σ term from πN scattering data is reconsidered. The usual evaluations do not include the uncertainties or their correlations in the πN amplitude or in the fixed-t dispersion relations. We perform several fits to the πN amplitude at ν=0 that suggest that values of the σ term in the range 30-70 MeV are not ruled out by the existing data. Also, nonlinearities in the πN amplitude lead to another ±10 MeV uncertainty in the comparison between theory and experiment. We therefore conclude that both the theoretical and experimental uncertainties in the determination of the σ term are sufficiently large for the apparent discrepancy to provide neither evidence against QCD nor against the canonical quark mass ratios that one obtains in the conventional (3,3¯) model.