The localization of phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine biosynthetic enzymes within the transverse plane of chicken brain microsomes was investigated by using proteases (trypsin and pronase) and neuraminidase. Treatment of intact microsomes with the proteases inactivated the phosphocholine transferase completely and the ethanolamine phosphotransferase only slightly. This latter enzyme was completely inactivated when deoxycholate-treated microsomes were exposed to proteases. Treatment of intact microsomes with neuraminidase had no effect on both phosphotransferases, although 65% of the sialic acid of sialoglycoproteins and 37% of that of gangliosides were removed. With deoxycholate-disrupted microsomes nearly all sialic acid from the sialoglycoproteins and about 70% of that of gangliosides were released. In parallel, the phosphoethanolamine transferase was 90% inactivated. Phosphocholine transferase is possibly localized on the outer face of the microsomal vesicle, whereas the phosphoethanolamine transferase could be a sialoglycoprotein, possibly situated on the inner face of the vesicle, or perhaps a transmembrane protein.