The number of divorce cases in Hong Kong is soaring in recent years and the stepfamily is an emerging family structure. This exploratory study is aimed at examining difficulties of parenting in stepfamilies through interviews with stepmothers, social workers and teachers. Reports of these stepmothers reveal that they feel overloaded in the stepfamilies and that their spouses do not give them enough support. They complain that their in-laws and relatives create stress rather than offer help in child management. The findings indicated that there are difficulties in communication between the couples, problems between stepmother-stepchild, and in-law relationships. It is suggested that social workers and teachers should cooperate to deal with cultural stereotyping of stepfamily and change negative social attitudes towards members of stepfamilies. Efforts should also be made by these professionals to identify stepmother-stepchild relationship problems with greater sensitivity, and regularity. 香港近年离婚个案数字飚升,再婚家庭成逐渐涌现的家庭架构。这个研究目的是透过访问继母、社工和教师检视再婚家庭的亲职问题。被访继母感到家务繁重、配偶支持不足,在管教子女方面,她们的翁姑及姻亲没有给予援助反而给她们加添压力。资料显示再婚家庭内的夫妇沟通出现困难,继母和继子女及翁姑姻亲关系亦有问题。社工和教师应携手处理文化上将再婚家庭典型化的问题,改变社会人士对这类家庭的负面态度,醒觉地识别继母和继子女关系的问题予以适切介入。