Transplantability Changes of Mouse Mammary Tumors After Passage Through Tolerant Homologous Recipients.

Summary 1. Modification of transplanta-bility of tumors by passage through F1 hybrid as originally reported by Barrett and Deringer has been confirmed. 2. Modification of transplantability of tumors induced by foreign environment holds for spontaneous mammary adenocarcinoma and for mammary adenocarcinoma, passaged a few times. 3. A similar modification of transplantability occurs when A strain tumor has been passed through homologous host made tolerant of A strain tissue by intravenous injection of spleen cells at birth. 4. Modification of transplantability of tumors is also induced by passage of tumor through isologous hosts made tolerant of F1 hybrid homologous strain by injection of homologous spleen cells in neonatal period. 5. The most striking modification of transplantability of mammary adenocarcinoma was obtained by passage through homologous (foreign) hosts at birth. The physiological and genetic basis for alteration of transplantable tumors in these and previous studies remains obscure.

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