Complete Genomic Sequence of the Lytic Bacteriophage φYeO3-12 of Yersinia enterocolitica Serotype O:3

φYeO3-12 is a T3-related lytic bacteriophage of Yersinia enterocolitica serotype O:3. The nucleotide sequence of the 39,600-bp linear double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) genome was determined. The phage genome has direct terminal repeats of 232 bp, a GC content of 50.6%, and 54 putative genes, which are all transcribed from the same DNA strand. Functions were assigned to 30 genes based on the similarity of the predicted products to known proteins. A striking feature of the φYeO3-12 genome is its extensive similarity to the coliphage T3 and T7 genomes; most of the predicted φYeO3-12 gene products were >70% identical to those of T3, and the overall organizations of the genomes were similar. In addition to an identical promoter specificity, φYeO3-12 shares several common features with T3, nonsubjectibility to F exclusion and growth on Shigella sonnei D 2 371-48 (M. Pajunen, S. Kiljunen, and M. Skurnik, J. Bacteriol. 182:5114–5120, 2000). These findings indicate that φYeO3-12 is a T3-like phage that has adapted to Y. enterocolitica O:3 or vice versa. This is the first dsDNA yersiniophage genome sequence to be reported.