Crystal Chemistry and Phase Equilibria of the BaO-R2O3-CuO Systems
- 1 January 1989
- journal article
- Published by Cambridge University Press (CUP) in Advances in X-ray Analysis
- Vol. 33, 453-465
Two important factors, the progressively decreasing size of the lanthanides, which is known as the lanthanide contraction, as well as the stability of different oxidation states of these elements influence the prediction of compound formation in the Ba-R-Cu-O systems. A systematic investigation of these lanthanide systems and comparison with the Y system has revealed a correlation of the effect of the above factors, in particular the size factor, on the trend of phase formation, solid solution formation and phase compatibility diagrams of the Ba-R-Cu-O systems. For example, it has been found that the smaller the size of R3+ or the greater the mismatch betwaen Ba2+ and R3+ in the solid solution series Ba2-ZR1+lCu3O6+x, the smaller the extent of solid solution formation. This differing extent of solid solution formation influences the ternary phase relationships.Keywords
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