Avalanche modelling and integration of expert knowledge in the ELSA system

The choice of the best protection system against avalanches on a particular path requires an accurate description, or image, of these avalanches. In order to get this image, avalanche consultants can use several numerical models which are often difficult to handle. Moreover, these models deal only with a part of the phenomena involved in avalanches and ignore the others. As a result, the consultants must use their experience and knowledge to imagine the avalanches on any particular path. This paper presents ELSA (Etude et Limites de Sites Avalancheux), a computer system dedicated to the modelling of the knowledge of avalanche experts and to the integration of the new symbolic computer models with the classical numerical models. The basic aim of integration is to build a unique computer system incorporating all these models. After a description of the terrain representation, we present the different scenarios that ELSA takes into account. Then, the methods which deal with some phenomena occurring in avalanches are described. The problems involved in the integration of these methods close this paper.