Cavity-quantum electrodynamics using a single InAs quantum dot in a microdisk structure

We investigate cavity-quantum electrodynamics (QED) effects in an all-semiconductor nanostructure by tuning a single self-assembled InAs quantum dot (QD) into resonance with a high quality factor microdisk whispering gallery mode (WGM). The stronger temperature dependence of the QD single-exciton (1X) resonance allows us to change the relative energy of the WGM and the 1X transitions by varying the sample temperature. The two coupled resonances exhibit crossing behavior due to the weak coupling cavity-QED regime. We demonstrate exciton lifetime reduction by 6 due to the Purcell effect by tuning the QD into resonance with the WGM. Our experiments also show that single-exciton lifetime is independent of temperature up to 50 K.