A Golgi analysis of the gustatory zone of the nucleus of the solitary tract in the adult hamster

The somal shapes, dendritic features, and orientations of the neurons within the gustatory zone of the nucleus of the solitary tract were studied with the rapid Golgi method in the adult hamster. These Golgi studies complement previous quantitative morphometric analyses of the distributions of large and small neurons within the gustatory zone. Class 1 neurons are usually fusiform and possess long, relatively unbranched dendrites that often extend beyond the cytoarchitectonic boundaries of the gustatory zone. Class II neurons are multipolar and possess more dendrites that are significantly shorter than those of class I neurons. Both classes of neurons are spine poor. Computer‐generated three‐dimensional rotational analyses demonstrate that the dendritic arborizations of neurons of the gustatory zone are oriented preferentially in the horizontal plane. Dendrites extend in parallel or perpendicular to the solitary tract, the source of peripheral gustatory inputs, and appear to be positioned spatially to maximize synaptic interactions with these peripheral fibers. These Golgi studies also suggest that individual gustatory neurons may be influenced by incoming gustatory fibers that innervate separate populations of taste buds, a finding that is not predictable from the topographical organization of the gustatory zone.