Convergent, Self-Encoded Bead Sensor Arrays in the Design of an Artificial Nose

We report a new approach to designing an artificial nose based on high-density optical arrays that directly incorporate a number of structural and operational features of the olfactory system. The arrays are comprised of thousands of microsphere (bead) sensors, each belonging to a discrete class, randomly dispersed across the face of an etched optical imaging fiber. Beads are recognized and classified after array assembly by their unique, “self-encoded” response pattern to a selected vapor pulse. The high degree of redundancy built into the array parallels that found in nature and affords new opportunities for chemical-sensor signal amplification. Since each bead is independently addressable through its own light channel, it is possible to combine responses from same-type beads randomly distributed throughout the array in a manner reminiscent of the sensory-neuron convergence observed in the mammalian olfactory system. Signal-to-noise improvements of approximately n1/2 have been achieved using this method.