House Dust Mite Allergens (Der pI andDer pV) within Domestic Environments of Atopic and Control Children

We used allergen-specific ELISA to evaluate environmental distributions of house dust mite allergens (Der p 1 and Der pV) in the homes of 46 asthmatic, 20 atopic, and 26 nonatopic control children during the summer and winter. Geometric mean Der p I levels were approximately 10 times higher than geometric mean Der p V concentrations. The concentrations of Der p I and Der p V in winter were significantly higher than concentrations found in summer. In addition, we found no differences in Der p I concentrations among the three groups in summer; however, in winter, Der p I levels in the control group were significantly higher than levels in the homes of both asthmatic and atopic children. During the summer, concentrations of Der p V were lower in the control group, compared with the asthmatic group, but during the winter, concentrations in the control group were higher than levels found in either asthmatic or atopic children's homes. In this study, we did not establish an important relationship between mite allergen exposure and atopy/asthma.