A Multiplex ARMS Test for 10 Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Mutations: Evaluation in a Prenatal CF Screening Program

In Maine, prenatal screening for cystic fibrosis (CF) is offered through primary care providers. Cheekbrush (buccal) samples are routinely tested for eight mutations by multiplex PCR amplification of five exons, followed by dot-blot hybridization with pooled allele-specific oligonucleotides (ASO). The ASO methodology is widely used and effective, but somewhat time and labor intensive when applied to CF carrier testing or couple-based prenatal screening in the general pregnant population. Amplification Refractory Mutation System (ARMSTM) is an improvement of the PCR that allows rapid detection of mutations involving single base changes or small deletions/insertions. In this study, two multiplex ARMS reactions are used to test for 10 common CF mutations. Clinical evaluation of the ARMS test includes a retrospective study of 140 banked samples (54 cell line, proficiency testing, and buccal controls; 86 clinical buccal samples) with known CF genotype (57 with CF mutations, 83 no mutation), followed by a prospective trial in which 309 buccal samples are analyzed concurrently using both methods. The success rate of the ARMS test in buccal lysates is comparable to the ASO method; all CF mutations are successfully identified. For testing nonsterile buccal lysates with low DNA concentrations, optimized performance in the ARMS method is obtained using Amplitaq Gold polymerase. The ARMS method developed is easy, rapid (1 day), and avoids the need for ASO probe labeling, dot-blotting and autoradiography. This study provides further evidence that ARMS methodology is suitable for clinical CF mutation analysis.