A chronology for the main Holocene events in Nordfjord. Mellemfjord and Disko Fjord on the west coast of Disko could be established with the help of radiocarbon dates of marine shells and a comparison with earlier results, particularly from the area south of Disko Bugt. The glaciers had retreated from the fjords before 8000 B.P. but the retreat from the outer coast began at about 10000 B.P., possibly somewhat earlier. The relative emergence of the coast during and after the deglaciation ended at about 3000 B.P. The highest marine limit recorded was 85 m in Disko Fjord. At lower altitudes, below 45 m. marine terraces and beach ridges were formed. After 3000 B.P., when there were no land/sea level changes or possibly only a small subsidence. Neoglacial rock glaciers advanced from the cirques, often down to the present shore, most of them reaching their maximum position in A.D. 1600–1920. Periglacial features are common in the whole area: pingos occur in some of the main valleys.