A 9 patient age 37 presented the classical dermatologic findings of xanthoma tuberosum multiplex, confirmed by skin biopsy, and also the clinical picture of biliary cirrhosis. The liver was large, spleen palpable, serum albumin 4.1 mg %, serum globulin 3.4, icteric index 39, serum bilirubin 5.5. The total plasma lipids were 4896.8 mg. %. Of this the phos-pholipids comprised 58.29%, total cholesterol 28.5%, choles-terol esters 7.86%, neutral fat 10%. There was a moderate anemia of 9.5 g. Hb, and hematocrit of 36 mm. After 10 mos. on a diet containing 302 gs. carbohydrate, 89 gs. protein, and 27 gs. fat, combined first with inositol 3.0 gs. daily and later with added choline 4.5 gs. and methionine 0.9 g., the patient''s total lipids dropped to 2750 mg. %. The percentage composition of the lipids remained unchanged. The serum bilirubin, and icteric index were unchanged and apparently were not affected by the reduction in the plasma lipids.