Radiation-induced segregation in Ni-Cu alloys

A detailed and systematic experimental study of the temperature and dose dependence of radiation-induced segregation in two alloys, Ni-10 at.% Cu and Ni-60 at.% Cu is presented. Auger-electron spectroscopy with ion sputtering was used to measure concentration-versus-depth profiles of irradiated and unirradiated specimens. The quantitative results are compared with a theoretical model, and "best-fit" defect solute parameters are obtained. In the 10-at.% Cu alloy, the model requires both preferential transport of nickel atoms toward the surface via the interstitial flux and preferential transport of copper atoms into the bulk via the vacancy flux to reproduce the observed concentration profiles. In the 60-at.% Cu alloy, the model explains the results equally well with preferential transport of nickel atoms by interstitials, preferential transport of copper atoms via vacancies, or a combination of these two transport mechanisms.