Comparison of Cyanopeptolin Genes in Planktothrix , Microcystis , and Anabaena Strains: Evidence for Independent Evolution within Each Genus

The major cyclic peptide cyanopeptolin 1138, produced by Planktothrix strain NIVA CYA 116, was characterized and shown to be structurally very close to the earlier-characterized oscillapeptin E. A cyanopeptolin gene cluster likely to encode the corresponding peptide synthetase was sequenced from the same strain. The 30-kb oci gene cluster contains two novel domains previously not detected in nonribosomal peptide synthetase gene clusters (a putative glyceric acid-activating domain and a sulfotransferase domain), in addition to seven nonribosomal peptide synthetase modules. Unlike in two previously described cyanopeptolin gene clusters from Anabaena and Microcystis, a halogenase gene is not present. The three cyanopeptolin gene clusters show similar gene and domain arrangements, while the binding pocket signatures deduced from the adenylation domain sequences and the additional tailoring domains vary. This suggests loss and gain of tailoring domains within each genus, after the diversification of the three clades, as major events leading to the present diversity. The ABC transporter genes associated with the cyanopeptolin gene clusters form a monophyletic clade and accordingly are likely to have evolved as part of the functional unit. Phylogenetic analyses of adenylation and condensation domains, including domains from cyanopeptolins and microcystins, show a closer similarity between the Planktothrix and Microcystis cyanopeptolin domains than between these and the Anabaena domain. No clear evidence of recombination between cyanopeptolins and microcystins could be detected. There were no strong indications of horizontal gene transfer of cyanopeptolin gene sequences across the three genera, supporting independent evolution within each genus.